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What are the differences between Low Carb and Low Carb Lite?Updated a year ago

Low Carb Lite

  • is lower in calories (per serving and per gram of protein)

  • is denser in protein (more grams of protein per calorie)

  • is lower in carbs

  • has only one source of protein (whey isolate) compared to four in Low Carb (whey isolate, whey concentrate, milk isolate and casein); in reality, Low Carb provides two types of protein (whey and casein) while Low Carb Lite provides one (whey)

  • doesn't contain casein (which may be relevant to some people)

Low Carb

  • available in more flavors

  • has more fiber

  • has a thicker consistency

  • some people may find it to be more filling

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