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Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking BellyTrim XP?Updated 2 years ago

We neither condemn nor condone moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. Along those lines, there is evidence that moderate consumption of alcohol may be related to improvements in various biomarkers (e.g., markers of inflammation) and aspects of health (e.g., cardiovascular health, cognitive function, gut microbiota). On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption has obvious, well-known, detrimental effects on virtually every aspect of human health. 

Alcohol is not only an addictive substance; it is a calorie-containing beverage (often high-calorie) that can interfere with metabolic function and cognitive processes. Moreover, when consumed excessively (i.e., intoxicating levels), alcohol can have a profound negative effect on an individual's ability to evaluate the costs and benefits of behaviors that affect body weight (e.g., food choices, exercise activity, sleep quality). Studies have shown that both the frequency (i.e., how often you drink) and intensity (i.e., how much you drink per episode) of alcohol consumption are related to increased body weight. 

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